Case of the Wednesdays is composed of several wonderful women on their journey of creating and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. We invite you to follow our journeys and share your own experiences!

[The name of the group comes from the group's founder who posted a "Weight Loss Wednesday" on her own personal blog. She had such an overwhelming response from her readers, she decided to create a larger network of women on the same journey and to have posts throughout the week.]

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Jamie Week 5

Okay. So I can accept that I am still learning. I still have my weaknesses. I still have issues. I learned a lesson this week. I am not superwoman. Just because I can run 5 miles at a time doesn't mean I should do it several times a week because my body said no more! I love being on that treadmill and I love out running the person next to me. I'm competitive obviously. But I learned I have to mix it up.
My fit bit showed me how many steps I take in a day at work and how physical my job really is. So I decided to lighten upon cardio and add more weights and elliptical. I said this last week as well. But I did it this week and I feel great. I'm going to step away for my normal format this week because I have a workout to share with you. It's called Tabata. There's even an iPhone app for it.
The format is 20 seconds of something full force 10 seconds rest. You pick 2 exercises  for each set and its repeated 8 times to make 4 minutes then rest a minute for moving on to the next set. So each set is 5 minutes. There is 8 sets so its a 45 minute workout. Here's the one I did today.
1. Jumping jacks 20 secs rest 10 secs mountain climbers 20 secs rest 10 secs. Repeated 4 times for 8 rounds total
2. Bicep curls 20secs rest 10 secs chest press 20 rest 10 again repeated 4 times.
3. Knee drives/jump rope
4. Squats with weights/lunges
5. Butt kicks/ air punches
6. Shoulder press/ tricep push ups
7. Squat kicks/ lunges with weights
8. Plank/side planks/ bicycle

So I hope I explained it good enough to understand. This one I got off you tube. The app counts the seconds for you. Tells you when rest etc and it plays with your music. This is a perfect workout at home. If you try it let me know how you felt.... The next day. Lol. I sweat good with this one and you can tweak it however just make sure you keep the cardio in the. The trick is getting your heartbeat fast then slow.

1 comment:

  1. I've heard so much about Tabata lately, but I had no idea there was an app! I might have to try that when I'm back to full speed.
