Okay. So I can accept that I am still learning. I still have my weaknesses. I still have issues. I learned a lesson this week. I am not superwoman. Just because I can run 5 miles at a time doesn't mean I should do it several times a week because my body said no more! I love being on that treadmill and I love out running the person next to me. I'm competitive obviously. But I learned I have to mix it up.
My fit bit showed me how many steps I take in a day at work and how physical my job really is. So I decided to lighten upon cardio and add more weights and elliptical. I said this last week as well. But I did it this week and I feel great. I'm going to step away for my normal format this week because I have a workout to share with you. It's called Tabata. There's even an iPhone app for it.
The format is 20 seconds of something full force 10 seconds rest. You pick 2 exercises for each set and its repeated 8 times to make 4 minutes then rest a minute for moving on to the next set. So each set is 5 minutes. There is 8 sets so its a 45 minute workout. Here's the one I did today.
1. Jumping jacks 20 secs rest 10 secs mountain climbers 20 secs rest 10 secs. Repeated 4 times for 8 rounds total
2. Bicep curls 20secs rest 10 secs chest press 20 rest 10 again repeated 4 times.
3. Knee drives/jump rope
4. Squats with weights/lunges
5. Butt kicks/ air punches
6. Shoulder press/ tricep push ups
7. Squat kicks/ lunges with weights
8. Plank/side planks/ bicycle
So I hope I explained it good enough to understand. This one I got off you tube. The app counts the seconds for you. Tells you when rest etc and it plays with your music. This is a perfect workout at home. If you try it let me know how you felt.... The next day. Lol. I sweat good with this one and you can tweak it however just make sure you keep the cardio in the. The trick is getting your heartbeat fast then slow.
I've heard so much about Tabata lately, but I had no idea there was an app! I might have to try that when I'm back to full speed.