Why oh why oh why? Why is it so much easier to gain weight than to lose it? I mean, I KNOW the answer to that but can't help but wonder why!?!?!? It is a cruel truth.
So, I gained back a few pounds...yes, a few. Not one, not two, a few. And pretty much with every bite of cake, every beer, every piece of pizza over the course of 3 days, I was completely conscious that it would likely all lead to an overall gain. I could blame it on my husband's birthday & a neighbor's party. But I've weathered these events before and resisted temptations. Or I could blame the fact that I blog on Sundays...which feels like a set up for failure in terms of timing because I do not work out on Saturday & Sundays...and those are the same days I am most likely out of my eating routine due to family events & crazy schedules. But my weight gain has nothing to do with when I post my blog.
This particular week has been unusually "off" for me. It has mostly to do with the items I was sent last Monday from my deceased Father's estate. I received 2 very large boxes of glassware & china and two extremely large boxes that held art work. Sounds cool huh? Its not. It is it's own mini nightmare. The glassware was filthy & needed to be cleaned. Also, as I unwrapped each piece I uncovered that half of the pieces have chipped rims. I've spent so much time this week trying to figure out what the heck to do with this glassware which is useless to me, yet sentimental, yet possibly of some value. The art work is a whole other issue. One of the pieces arrived with broken glass that I have yet to unwrapped because broken glass & kids just don't mix and dealing with the glassware has been handful enough. The other piece of art work...well...I don't want it & I'm pretty sure no one else does...so what do I do with it? And lastly the china dishes. The couple I've unwrapped are also filthy but seem in good shape. I need to clean them all to prepare to sell. But at the same time, my husband & I actually like the pattern! Ha! But we already have 2 other sets of china (don't ask!). On the surface, this may not look like a situation that would impact my weight loss journey. However, this "stuff" has been on my mind all week and I'm at the point where I just want my house & life back.
The boxes, the packing materials, the broken glass, the time spent on dealing with these items, the disorganization, the emotions behind it all, the indirect impact on my own family...that's the stuff that has had me a little "nuts" this week... leading me to just let it all go by eating/drinking whatever I wanted when the opportunities presented themselves.
And so, I've identified the problem(s). For now.
I can't wait for tomorrow...I find comfort in my workouts and the alone time I have when I exercise. I still have to deal with this stuff but spent some time today getting more of a grip on it by organizing to accommodate these items in my home. It is a fresh week to clear my head and get on track. Next weekend will bring it's challenges again. I've had my indulgences. I don't feel good...I feel bloated. I'll make better choices because I do not want to feel this way anymore.
Today I weigh 154.
I regret allowing myself to slide...even when I knew I was sliding, I still said "yes" to choices where I should have said "no." I need to realize that I can exert control by making positive health choices instead of allowing the bad choices to control me.
This week I'll work out 5 days/week for one hour. I will incorporate evening walking or running too. I also plan to eat more fish this week and go to bed by 10pm. I need to go back to drinking more water and just in general, take more ownership of the behaviors that will lead me to continue my weight loss AND maintain it.
It was WAY too easy to slip up. I spent 4 days busting my butt (as usual) and another day doing weights...only to blow every drop of hard earned sweat in 3 days of really easy bad food choices. It didn't even out...my weight was blown out! I wish it weren't true...but it is the truth.
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