My pants don't's a good problem because they are too big. It is a bad problem because I am still wearing pants that are too big. With the loss of over 9 lbs since April 1st I have lost a pant size which feels amazing. The only problem is when I went to get all my summer clothes I could not find my pants/capris in the new size I need. So I continued to wear pants that are too big. Besides the obvious problem of them practically falling off and looking bad in them I ate like I was "skinny" and feeling good. Lots of my friends suggested wearing yoga pants which are great and comfy but I can't wear those everyday. I need regular pants to help me gauge how I feel. If I feel a bit uncomfortable then that gives me motivation to continue my journey and be active.
So the last two weeks I haven't lost any weight nor did I gain any so I will take it over gaining. Now that the holiday weekend is over it is time to get serious again. I have new pants that fit and it is time to start wearing them and stop slacking!
I really want to work on carving out some more "me" time in my day to work out. Even if it is just 20 minutes. When I was on track I feel like I have was doing a good job with my diet. Still could be better but it is much improved from before. I need to up the exercise now to get more energy and burn more calories!
Here is to hoping some more progress is made in the next two weeks!
Case of the Wednesdays is composed of several wonderful women on their journey of creating and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. We invite you to follow our journeys and share your own experiences!
[The name of the group comes from the group's founder who posted a "Weight Loss Wednesday" on her own personal blog. She had such an overwhelming response from her readers, she decided to create a larger network of women on the same journey and to have posts throughout the week.]
Monday, May 27, 2013
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Allyson | What's with all the 'racket'?!
I’m back! I’m back to blogging; I’m
back to working out regularly; I’m back to drinking loads of water each day; I’m
back to saying ‘no’ to sweets!
Preface: I wrote most of this blog over a month ago, just never
finished or posted it. There is a bit at the end that is current as of 5/22/13.
It’s amazing the simple
activities you can begin to enjoy when you don’t feel like death from carrying
around so much extra weight.
I have always thought I hated
tennis. Colin enjoys it quite a bit: he played on his high school team, goes
out on weekends with his dad, and watches it on tv. A couple years ago he would
drag me out from time to time to play with him and I absolutely hated it. I
hated running around the court and I just couldn’t get the hang of how to use
the racket. [I played softball growing up and just couldn’t shake whacking the
ball with all my might…needless to say, not very many balls stayed in the
court.] Since I hated it, I stopped going with him. I probably have not played at
all since I have lost weight.
Saturday [sometime in April] was
a little glimpse of spring in our nook of NE Ohio so Colin made plans to play
tennis with his dad. He asked if I
wanted to go along and because I wasn’t thinking [as my thought process was
scrambled due to the rare occurrence of sunlight], I agreed. I was excited to wear my tennis ball-colored
t-shirt, new hot pink sports bra and matching headband, so I didn’t even think
about the activity in which I was about to participate.
To my total amazement, I actually
enjoyed playing! I am absolutely no good- still trying to slam the balls out of
the court- but I put forth effort to try to get to the balls and chase after
them once I hit them across the three adjacent courts. [Colin’s poor dad…I
really had him running all around trying to get the balls I hit to his side!] At one point I even told Colin I was having a really good time [actually having
fun, not just getting through it] and I think the reason was because I didn’t
feel like I was dying as I chased after tennis balls. We realized that that day
was the first time I played tennis since I lost weight and it was eye-opening
to realize what a difference 40 pounds makes.
Since that epiphany, we have been
to the courts several more times over the past few weeks. I must say, I am improving with each time we
go out! I actually WANT to get out and
play, I don’t want to leave the courts, and I have to talk Colin into staying
longer! Sometimes I still get down about not being a Williams sister, but Colin
tells me I’m doing well and I’ll keep getting better. I joked that I might be better than him one
day but then quickly recanted, to which he responded, “You never know. You also
never thought you’d run a 5K.” What a
great, encouraging guy! Colin’s dad is also very encouraging, gives me
pointers, and picks on Colin to make me feel better =)
Physical activity in general is
just so much easier now that I am fit.
For instance, we buy the mega 42-pound bag of Fresh Step from Sam’s and
I could hardly get it in and out of the buggy. Well, folks, I just bought some
yesterday and carried that sucker to the check-out [from the complete back of
the store] and to my car all on my own! You should see my guns =P I can go on longer bike rides, take Brinkley
on longer walks, challenge myself with more intense workouts, and participate
in more events.
While looking good is a great
outcome to weight loss, I’d say feeling better is an even greater
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Christy: Week 18
Hello everyone! So much has happened in the 2 weeks since my last post. Lately it seems like I've been writing the same old stuff, stuck with no weight gained or lost, and I finally followed through with some advice that another blogger shared to help break through the plateau I had been experienced. It was so simple....she said "drink more water." I did...and I lost weight! Ok, so I still don't have a good system to record or track my water/liquid intake. However, every time my glass was empty, I filled it back up. Every time I left the house, I had a bottle of water with me.
Something else happened that was a wake up call and possibly another (unknown) factor behind both my recent plateau with weight loss AND possibly also had something to do with the heart arrhythmia's I was experiencing (which have ceased with the removal of caffeine). I had a doctors appointment last week which included a blood test. While the results came back great for the reason behind the tests...the physician reported I was "severely anemic." This is the first diagnosis of this kind I've ever had.
Honestly, I replied back to the doctor "Really? are you sure? what are the signs because I feel great!" I was thinking to myself "I've never felt better, never eaten better in my whole life! how can I be anemic?" Seriously, I eat fish, spinach, bananas, raisins, and a host of other foods that have iron in them! And I've included that multi vitamin into my diet. So I don't eat those foods every day and I forget to take the vitamin once in a while....but during the week I consume these for sure! I exhibit absolutely NO signs of severe anemia. BUT this isn't something to play around with so I started on an iron supplement. Crazy thing is it can take up to 6 months for my levels to get back to normal!
The other thing that happened to me over the last couple weeks was being invited to participate in a local "Moms" area running group. This is another area that will hold me accountable to follow through with not only running but challenge myself too as I strive to increase my distance. I am secretly very excited to be part of this group and can't wait to start meeting up with these women and hearing about their running-life stories! Good luck by the way to all the Marathon/ Half runners I know who are racing this weekend! You are very inspiring!
My current weight is 148- my short term goal is 145.
My focus lately and in the future is on my diet & water consumption
I plan to run more and more outside now that the weather is consistently nice (early evenings if anyone out there wants to buddy up!)
I regret not sleeping more lately. In other areas I've been good! No crazy splurges or cravings. Been meeting my work out goals. I regret not recording 2 days on MFP--they were two days when I did not work out & thus I just knew I wasn't going to make my calorie goals, so I didn't record the numbers because I didn't want to face the facts! I need to face the facts to stay on track!
I NEED to figure out my work out schedule soon with school letting out...may be a combo of running very early or late in the day.. squeezing 30min of weights on other mornings.. and at least 1 day/wk of putting the kids in the tot room (they can handle that right?) for my longer runs? Ugh...mixed feelings about the changes ahead! I'm not worried about staying active enough to maintain or lose weight. I am nervous about losing the stamina I've developed through running.
Something else happened that was a wake up call and possibly another (unknown) factor behind both my recent plateau with weight loss AND possibly also had something to do with the heart arrhythmia's I was experiencing (which have ceased with the removal of caffeine). I had a doctors appointment last week which included a blood test. While the results came back great for the reason behind the tests...the physician reported I was "severely anemic." This is the first diagnosis of this kind I've ever had.
Honestly, I replied back to the doctor "Really? are you sure? what are the signs because I feel great!" I was thinking to myself "I've never felt better, never eaten better in my whole life! how can I be anemic?" Seriously, I eat fish, spinach, bananas, raisins, and a host of other foods that have iron in them! And I've included that multi vitamin into my diet. So I don't eat those foods every day and I forget to take the vitamin once in a while....but during the week I consume these for sure! I exhibit absolutely NO signs of severe anemia. BUT this isn't something to play around with so I started on an iron supplement. Crazy thing is it can take up to 6 months for my levels to get back to normal!
The other thing that happened to me over the last couple weeks was being invited to participate in a local "Moms" area running group. This is another area that will hold me accountable to follow through with not only running but challenge myself too as I strive to increase my distance. I am secretly very excited to be part of this group and can't wait to start meeting up with these women and hearing about their running-life stories! Good luck by the way to all the Marathon/ Half runners I know who are racing this weekend! You are very inspiring!
My current weight is 148- my short term goal is 145.
My focus lately and in the future is on my diet & water consumption
I plan to run more and more outside now that the weather is consistently nice (early evenings if anyone out there wants to buddy up!)
I regret not sleeping more lately. In other areas I've been good! No crazy splurges or cravings. Been meeting my work out goals. I regret not recording 2 days on MFP--they were two days when I did not work out & thus I just knew I wasn't going to make my calorie goals, so I didn't record the numbers because I didn't want to face the facts! I need to face the facts to stay on track!
I NEED to figure out my work out schedule soon with school letting out...may be a combo of running very early or late in the day.. squeezing 30min of weights on other mornings.. and at least 1 day/wk of putting the kids in the tot room (they can handle that right?) for my longer runs? Ugh...mixed feelings about the changes ahead! I'm not worried about staying active enough to maintain or lose weight. I am nervous about losing the stamina I've developed through running.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Becca - Week 2 & 3
Hi my name is Becca and this is my motivation and inspiration...
...To get to the old me. I didn't always look like this and only spent a few months like this but it was the best shape I have been in my life. Rewind back to 2008. My husband and I were enjoying life...maybe too much. We didn't have any children yet and loved to eat out. Eating out consisted of an app, entree and dessert. We were both members of the clean plate club.
It hit a breaking point when the clothes didn't fit and we were just uncomfortable and frustrated. I also knew before I ever got pregnant I wanted to loose the weight before adding more to it. So as 2009 approached we decided it was time to do something about it. We joined a gym and went every day after work for about an hour. I also joined an amazing Pilates class once a week. Over the course of the next few months the pounds just started to come off between modifying our eating habits, watching our portions and working out. It even got to the point where I didn't have to work out as much and I still lost two pounds a week. It was amazing! I realized the weight loss process isn't totally physical though..It is also mental. You need to be in the right mindset to be successful and really want it. I also knew I was an emotional eater at times if I was sad or stressed so by knowing my triggers I could better avoid situations. After about nine months I lost over 30lbs and my husband lost over 50lbs.
Fast forward now four years later...two pregnancies, job changes and a move to a different state. We are back up and it is time to tackle it again. I had our second daughter in January. I lost an initial 20lbs the first week and then the weight stuck. Would not budge! With my first I was dropping 3-5lbs a week no problem! I guess the home cooked meals were too good or something! So after 12 weeks I decided it is time. I started getting more serious on April 1st. Since April I have now lost 8.6lbs. I have had some up and down weeks. Weekends usually ruin my weeks but I am going to keep going. It feels amazing! I now have less then 10lbs to go to be at my pre-baby #2 weight. Then the hard part-tackling the baby #1 weight/moving weight!
I need to get even more serious as it continues to warm up. The challenges will be finding time for myself to work out with two small children and getting through the weekends without eating crazy amounts of calories.
My plan as of now is to do exactly what I did last time. Good old fashioned exercise and moderation of what I eat. I am still going to enjoy pizza, ice cream etc. just not as much or as often ideally. This time around I am using an app to count calories which I didn't do last time.
Exercise: elliptical, walking, Zumba, yoga and Pilates/core work are the ones I will focus on
By doing this blog I hope it keeps me even more accountable and it is something for myself. I have so many friends right now going through their own weight loss journeys it is inspiring and wonderful we can all support each other as we try to improve our health for ourselves and our loved ones.
Please join me and let's get healthy!
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Jenn Week 16 (I think)
Happy Mother's Day to all you Mommas out there in blog land! This is off topic for our theme of this blog but my heart is always torn on this day. I am so happy and excited for all the mommies out there who are celebrating with their little ones. This year feels extra special as it is my first Mother's day and also the first for many of my friends. It has been an amazing day and I am a blessed woman. On the other hand my heart aches for all those who are longing to be mommies and it hasn't happened for them yet or they have lost their little ones all too early. (Your kiddos will always be your little ones no matter their age.) There are those out there who are missing their own moms and wishing heaven had visiting hours. Yes, this day truly brings mixed emotions for me, I found my self all wet eyed on many occasions.
Not quite sure how to gracefully transition from that to updates on my weight-loss and fitness goals so I am not even going to try.
I have had two major wins over the last two weeks that I want to share. As I have mentioned I tore my left calf muscle a little over four weeks ago and I have been very limited in the exercises I could do. With that obstacle I still managed the following success; I bought a pair of jeans right around the time I was injured. I did not try them on at the store and when I got home I found out they were too small. I had intended to return them but never got around to it. Well last week I decided to try them on and see how much progress I had made and if they were any closer to fitting. To my surprise the FIT!! Win # 1 all thanks to focusing on my nutrition. I did not use the word diet there on purpose. I am not on a diet and I plan to never go on one again. In my opinion diets don't work long term. I focused on putting whole and healthy foods into my body. And it worked I lost weight while I had physical limitations.
Next I went to they gym yesterday and decided to try out a short run. I had been told by two doctors that I shouldn't run due to knee injuries. At the least not until I did some rehab and then maybe I could work back up to some short distances. Add to that the whole calf muscle problem and I wasn't too optimistic. Long story short I ran a 5k in 29 mins 45 seconds and I felt amazing the whole time. My leg was a little tender but I was in the groove the I have greatly missed. Win # 2! I give credit for this win to doing the rehab exercises diligently and never putting the brakes completely on while my leg was healing. I swam, I did core and upper body I worked other parts of my legs. I did whatever I could to keep moving. Once upon a time I would have taken the injury as an out to sit on my tush, but not any more.
I plan to continue with the 5k distance as long as my knees still feel OK and as long as my calf continues to heal. I trust doctors and their opinions but not running was very painful for me, it's what I love to do. I am going to listen to my own body and trust that it will tell me if I need to take a step back.
Well there you have it. Hope everyone has a great week! And just for fun here is a family pic from today. It's nice when you can start to see a difference.
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Christy: Week 16
Well, the most reassuring thing I read lately was that "plateaus" with weight loss are common...very common and will likely occur at various stages of the journey for various predictable reasons. One of the main reasons people plateau is because in the beginning, you are mostly losing water. So when you lose a "pound" you may think it's a pound of fat when it's really more likely a fluctuation in water. Don't get me wrong, eventually on your journey, you build muscle which in term helps you to burn off the fat and lose more "weight." This makes weight loss feel even harder than it already is!
I've also been talking with a friend of mine who is an avid runner. I've been asking her advice/tips on maintaining a running regimen. While I am interested in losing at least 5 more lbs and breaking through this plateau that has lasted over a month now, I am also interested in establishing a lifestyle of staying physically fit. She suggested that instead of taking the whole weekend "off" I should take 2 days off but spread them out (i.e. Saturdays and Wednesdays) to allow my body to recover. Staying injury free is the first way to support my desire to stay active. Today was the first day I included a Sunday run and this Wednesday I plan to re-incorporate weight lifting Wednesdays.
There are a couple more changes that I plan to make based on what I've researched. Another common reason people plateau is because of those darn extra calories! Like the calories from condiments, eating a few chips left from the kids plates, that third cookie after having 2, that second/third alcoholic beverage. I'm not going to give up everything- that is just not realistic for me, BUT I DO NEED to reduce the quantities and re-examine what little things in my diet need to be ditched. I feel like a broken record which means this is obviously an on-going issue I've yet to conquer! After losing 20lbs, I am the first to say I've let a few things slip back into my diet. I need to take advantage of the fact that there isn't a candy laden holiday lingering around the corner-aka a big excuse to eat junk- and continue to clean up my act!
The other concept I've been embracing is the importance of building muscle. If I really want to burn the fat off for good, I need to build more muscle. To build more muscle I need to increase my weights, eat more protein, & weight lift more often. I tried going to the gym twice a day but that is not going to work with my family's schedule & needs- so it's not longer a realistic option.
I'm feeling a little stress about the upcoming changes that will occur in my daily routine once school is out. I will likely no longer be working out at the recreation center since I'll have both kids with me and I still can't do early mornings because of husband's work schedule. I'll have to run outside or much later in the evenings which is opposite of what I'm doing now. I'll figure it out!
This entire week I had broke the 150 mark...until today. Man, it just doesn't take much! Like I mentioned above, I ran this morning. I ate a great breakfast. And then it was doughnut Sunday at church. Ugh! They are so delicious! I had 2 of them. I didn't feel bad at the time but because I ate them "in between" what was breakfast & threw my hunger for lunch "off" I reached for some easy chips to tide me over til dinner which didn't really work cuz by 3pm I was hungry again, and so are getting the idea. One bad choice can easily snow ball :( I was so certain that this was the week...I mean....THIS WAS the week I broke my plateau...only to start this new week right back where I left off last Sunday
My regret was eating 2 doughnuts!!
My successes included the running I did this week...ran outside and on another occasion did a 3.20 (5K) without stopping.
This week, I'm going to continue to bust my bottom AND work on the tweaking I mentioned above. Understanding what's going on with me has bee immensely helpful in this journey. I would have given up by now. Knowledge is power and muscles burn fat!
I've also been talking with a friend of mine who is an avid runner. I've been asking her advice/tips on maintaining a running regimen. While I am interested in losing at least 5 more lbs and breaking through this plateau that has lasted over a month now, I am also interested in establishing a lifestyle of staying physically fit. She suggested that instead of taking the whole weekend "off" I should take 2 days off but spread them out (i.e. Saturdays and Wednesdays) to allow my body to recover. Staying injury free is the first way to support my desire to stay active. Today was the first day I included a Sunday run and this Wednesday I plan to re-incorporate weight lifting Wednesdays.
There are a couple more changes that I plan to make based on what I've researched. Another common reason people plateau is because of those darn extra calories! Like the calories from condiments, eating a few chips left from the kids plates, that third cookie after having 2, that second/third alcoholic beverage. I'm not going to give up everything- that is just not realistic for me, BUT I DO NEED to reduce the quantities and re-examine what little things in my diet need to be ditched. I feel like a broken record which means this is obviously an on-going issue I've yet to conquer! After losing 20lbs, I am the first to say I've let a few things slip back into my diet. I need to take advantage of the fact that there isn't a candy laden holiday lingering around the corner-aka a big excuse to eat junk- and continue to clean up my act!
The other concept I've been embracing is the importance of building muscle. If I really want to burn the fat off for good, I need to build more muscle. To build more muscle I need to increase my weights, eat more protein, & weight lift more often. I tried going to the gym twice a day but that is not going to work with my family's schedule & needs- so it's not longer a realistic option.
I'm feeling a little stress about the upcoming changes that will occur in my daily routine once school is out. I will likely no longer be working out at the recreation center since I'll have both kids with me and I still can't do early mornings because of husband's work schedule. I'll have to run outside or much later in the evenings which is opposite of what I'm doing now. I'll figure it out!
This entire week I had broke the 150 mark...until today. Man, it just doesn't take much! Like I mentioned above, I ran this morning. I ate a great breakfast. And then it was doughnut Sunday at church. Ugh! They are so delicious! I had 2 of them. I didn't feel bad at the time but because I ate them "in between" what was breakfast & threw my hunger for lunch "off" I reached for some easy chips to tide me over til dinner which didn't really work cuz by 3pm I was hungry again, and so are getting the idea. One bad choice can easily snow ball :( I was so certain that this was the week...I mean....THIS WAS the week I broke my plateau...only to start this new week right back where I left off last Sunday
My regret was eating 2 doughnuts!!
My successes included the running I did this week...ran outside and on another occasion did a 3.20 (5K) without stopping.
This week, I'm going to continue to bust my bottom AND work on the tweaking I mentioned above. Understanding what's going on with me has bee immensely helpful in this journey. I would have given up by now. Knowledge is power and muscles burn fat!
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