Case of the Wednesdays is composed of several wonderful women on their journey of creating and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. We invite you to follow our journeys and share your own experiences!

[The name of the group comes from the group's founder who posted a "Weight Loss Wednesday" on her own personal blog. She had such an overwhelming response from her readers, she decided to create a larger network of women on the same journey and to have posts throughout the week.]

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Christy: Week 18

Hello everyone! So much has happened in the 2 weeks since my last post. Lately it seems like I've been writing the same old stuff, stuck with no weight gained or lost, and I finally followed through with some advice that another blogger shared to help break through the plateau I had been experienced. It was so simple....she said "drink more water." I did...and I lost weight!  Ok, so I still don't have a good system to record or track my water/liquid intake. However, every time my glass was empty, I filled it back up. Every time I left the house, I had a bottle of water with me.

Something else happened that was a wake up call and possibly another (unknown) factor behind both my recent plateau with weight loss AND possibly also had something to do with the heart arrhythmia's I was experiencing (which have ceased with the removal of caffeine).  I had a doctors appointment last week which included a blood test. While the results came back great for the reason behind the tests...the physician reported I was "severely anemic." This is the first diagnosis of this kind I've ever had.

Honestly, I replied back to the doctor "Really? are you sure? what are the signs because I feel great!" I was thinking to myself "I've never felt better, never eaten better in my whole life! how can I be anemic?"  Seriously, I eat fish, spinach, bananas, raisins, and a host of other foods that have iron in them! And I've included that multi vitamin into my diet.  So I don't eat those foods every day and I forget to take the vitamin once in a while....but during the week I consume these for sure!  I exhibit absolutely NO signs of severe anemia.  BUT this isn't something to play around with so I started on an iron supplement. Crazy thing is it can take up to 6 months for my levels to get back to normal!

The other thing that happened to me over the last couple weeks was being invited to participate in a local "Moms" area running group. This is another area that will hold me accountable to follow through with not only running but challenge myself too as I strive to increase my distance. I am secretly very excited to be part of this group and can't wait to start meeting up with these women and hearing about their running-life stories! Good luck by the way to all the Marathon/ Half runners I know who are racing this weekend! You are very inspiring!

My current weight is 148- my short term goal is 145.
My focus lately and in the future is on my diet & water consumption
I plan to run more and more outside now that the weather is consistently nice (early evenings if anyone out there wants to buddy up!)
I regret not sleeping more lately. In other areas I've been good! No crazy splurges or cravings. Been meeting my work out goals. I regret not recording 2 days on MFP--they were two days when I did not work out & thus I just knew I wasn't going to make my calorie goals, so I didn't record the numbers because I didn't want to face the facts! I need to face the facts to stay on track!

I NEED to figure out my work out schedule soon with school letting out...may be a combo of running very early or late in the day.. squeezing 30min of weights on other mornings.. and at least 1 day/wk of putting the kids in the tot room (they can handle that right?) for my longer runs? Ugh...mixed feelings about the changes ahead! I'm not worried about staying active enough to maintain or lose weight. I am nervous about losing the stamina I've developed through running.

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