Case of the Wednesdays is composed of several wonderful women on their journey of creating and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. We invite you to follow our journeys and share your own experiences!

[The name of the group comes from the group's founder who posted a "Weight Loss Wednesday" on her own personal blog. She had such an overwhelming response from her readers, she decided to create a larger network of women on the same journey and to have posts throughout the week.]

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Randee: week 11- I survived spring break....

Weight loss: ???
Exercise: Child Herding

This past week, my kids were on spring break. So I took the week off from slow carb eating and just did my best. I actually didn't even weigh in this week- so I have no official weight loss update- but I know I didn't lose weight this week. I also didn't exercise. Now, I was out doing activities with my kids every single day that they were off- so I wasn't exactly sitting around. I was busy enough that I was exhausted evert single night..... I could use a vacation now.....

So starting today- spring break is over and I'm back on slow carb. Back on working out. And I'll be sure to weigh in this week.....

One slow carb recipe I really enjoyed was egg muffins. You take a container of sausage and cook it, sauté onions, peppers and mushrooms. Let it cool. Take a dozen eggs (or egg beaters) and mix in about a cup of cottage cheese. Mix everything together and fill muffin pan. Bake at 350 for 20 minutes. Make sure pan is well sprayed or use liners. 
I like these because slow carb wants you to eat within 30 minutes of waking- so having these ready is super easy. You can also add more veggies if you want!

Have a great week!

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