Case of the Wednesdays is composed of several wonderful women on their journey of creating and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. We invite you to follow our journeys and share your own experiences!

[The name of the group comes from the group's founder who posted a "Weight Loss Wednesday" on her own personal blog. She had such an overwhelming response from her readers, she decided to create a larger network of women on the same journey and to have posts throughout the week.]

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Christy: Week 15

Here we are at week 15.   105 days into this journey. I have had a good streak of losing weight however the last month has been up n down such that I'm basically stuck at 150lbs.

I have been wrestling with being content with where I'm at and whether I want to make the sacrifices that it will take for me to lose more weight. I like where I am at- I'm happy, I feel good, etc.  But the irony is that because I have changed my attitude about how a good diet & exercise routine can change a person, I want to do more of that changing!  Some people may be thinking "you look great, do you really need to lose more?" Trust me, I have more to lose! I like where I am at. I don't love it though. And my body would use more tweaking and I'm a little curious of how I can continue to push myself!

My focus isn't so much so on the actual weight loss as it is seeing how my body has begun to reshape, resculpt, and over come challenges.  It is super exciting to see the flab dwindle, to see muscle tone in my arms, to say goodbye to that double chin, and feel the sweat drip when I'm exercising. Running has been my choice of cardio during this entire journey. I think running is very intimidating for people- at least it was for me.  You see, I used to run "for fun" so to speak in junior high/high school on both the cross country team & track. But it had been 20+ years since I ran for a reason.  I chose running because I knew I could start slow & work my way at my pace. I can't recommend it enough! There is something freeing about being able to propel your body forward by your own devices.  A crazy thing happens too once you've been running for a gets easier the further you go! I am being serious! After struggling to run just one mile it was beyond my comprehension how in the world people could run marathons! Now that it has been a few months and I can run 3 miles (on a treadmill) without stopping, I am starting to "get it." Our bodies are so dynamic...but mine has been unable to demonstrate it's power because of the extra weight. Not so much the case as time goes on and I stick with my exercise program.

This week I'm going to look into other ways I can tweak my diet that may help get my under the 150 hump.  If anyone has ideas, please share! I'm not looking to do anything crazy such as remove carbs or meat or whatever...but if there is balance involved, I'm all for trying something new out!

My only regret this week was having two beers at a night out. It was yet another situation where I was already hesitant about even attending and said to myself "only one drink and then go."  That didn't happen...I had 2 drinks AND some food to boot! Not part of the plan.  Second time this has happened. Summer is coming up which means even more temptations to engage in eating & drinking that can sabotage my progress. I NEED to learn from these experiences and make other choices!

Here's to a week of positive choices and happy running!

1 comment:

  1. It sounds counterintuitive, but try reading more calories. Add 100-200 extra a day for a week and see if anything happens. I know My Fitness Pal increases calorie intake every so many weeks as it anticipates a plateau.

    Even though you said you said you don't want to cut carbs, you can keep carbs but just lower your intake. Try to eat under 100/day. I have helped friends do this and they are able to bust through their plateaus!
