Case of the Wednesdays is composed of several wonderful women on their journey of creating and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. We invite you to follow our journeys and share your own experiences!

[The name of the group comes from the group's founder who posted a "Weight Loss Wednesday" on her own personal blog. She had such an overwhelming response from her readers, she decided to create a larger network of women on the same journey and to have posts throughout the week.]

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Christy: Week 1-Training

My apologies for missing a few weeks. No real reason why other than lots of "life" things and schedule changes now that the kids are out of school for summer. A little bit about where I am at right now:

I've essentially met my goals in terms of weight loss- since January 2013 when I started blogging. I fluctuate in the upper 140's and I'm completely comfortable with that! I feel great, I've got good energy, I am comfortable in my own skin, and so on! While I would like to work on getting more "definition" or tone for certain areas of my body (arms, stomach, etc)... I also know that I can't get back into lifting weights until the kids go back to school in September. Seems far away but in reality it isn't and I can wait because I've got other goals on my plate.

This week I postponed using MFP to keep track of calories. We are on vacation and I knew I wouldn't have time (or desire) to keep up with it! I am contemplating no longer using this tool for the rest of summer, again, mostly because I am on the go so much but also because I have a very good idea of what to eat so as to maintain my weight. In addition, in the summer months, we eat so many fruits & is hard to go wrong this time of year! As long as I don't drink too many beers!

Since I have met my weight loss goals I was feeling a little out of sorts as to whether I should continue as a blogger on this site.  As I was thinking about this, I was also planning my next personal goal. If you've been following my journey then you know that I have used running as my main choice of cardio in my exercise routine. After all these months I can say that in some ways running has gotten easier and in some ways it is still so challenging. This combination is proof to me that running is the right fit for me. I recently joined a local running group called "Moms Run This Town" the Cleveland East chapter. Such an amazing group of women who have all turned to running as an outlet, source of strength, avenue to achieve personal goals, and so on! Being part of this group- though I'm still so new- has motivated me to keep running as a lifestyle.

This week I will start a 16 week training plan that will result in my ability to run 13.1 miles (a half marathon). Am I going to run a half marathon race? least that is not in my plans for the moment. I do plan, however, to run a 10K in October. I am approaching this training plan with a grain of salt (if you know what I mean) is likely that I won't be able to keep up with it (due to vacations, illness, injury, the unknown) and it is likely that on a day I'm suppose to run 6 miles, I can only manage 4. You just never know and I'm not going to beat myself up about it. We'll see!

My guess is that through this new journey I will continue to lose a few more pounds, that I'll continue to eat in ways that support my body's need for energy & strength, and that I'll learn what I am capable of in ways I can't imagine at this moment. A very different approach to weight loss...but part of my journey none the less.

Goals this week:  run 3- 3mile routes and 1- 4mile route.
Regret from last week: Eating a Rosatti's turtle. I was thinking it was a tin roof- got the two mixed up and didn't realize it would have caramel & pecans...neither of which I'm a huge fan of but I ate it anyways because I ordered it! If I was going to ingest all those calories at least it should be for something I really love!

If anyone is interested in running with me I'd love the company! Early mornings or late evenings :)  It's good to be back!

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