Case of the Wednesdays is composed of several wonderful women on their journey of creating and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. We invite you to follow our journeys and share your own experiences!

[The name of the group comes from the group's founder who posted a "Weight Loss Wednesday" on her own personal blog. She had such an overwhelming response from her readers, she decided to create a larger network of women on the same journey and to have posts throughout the week.]

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Christy: Week 2 Training

Well, the first week was grueling and I had a few thoughts like "I'm not prepared to do this!"  However, I did it & it's over! Sunday, Tuesday, & Thursday I ran 3 miles. Saturday I ran 4 and tonight again (Sunday) I ran 3.   Tuesday & Thursday I was out the door by 5am because my husband leaves for work by 6am. In case you were wondering, it is still dark at 5am! Because I couldn't see, I stubbed my toe, smelled skunk more than once, saw a raccoon cross the road and a momma & baby deer. All this while running around my neighborhood before most humans are awake! The bright side is that I get to run in the street since there are no cars and it is much cooler than when I ran in the evenings. Did I convince anyone to join me? LOL  It is very rewarding to reach your goals.  Each week I have an opportunity to challenge myself in a new way and watch how far I've come.

Week 2 comes with its own challenges but is thankfully enough like week 1 that I'm not too freaked out about it. The only difference is that I'll run 5 miles on Saturday instead of 4. I'll also be running my first 5K (in over 7 years) on Sunday (June 30th).  I am looking forward to seeing my time and getting a feel again for the adrenaline that comes with the racing atmosphere. I won't be too concerned about my time only because I'll have had my long run the day before.

Some things I learned this past week are that I need to sleep more! I read somewhere that for every mile you run, you should go to bed 10 minutes earlier. So if I run 3 miles, I should go to bed 30 minutes earlier than I might usually go to bed. I think this will be a good habit to practice.

I also need to eat better. I don't need to say much about this...I need to keep up the protein, incorporate iron, stop eating junk known as fast food (same song and dance most of us struggle with)...maybe I need to go back to MyFitnessPal because this is one area of accountability that I've been slipping.

The other item I need to go back to incorporating into my weekly routine is weight lifting. I miss it so much! I am going to try to do 30 minutes once a week through the summer and then increase once the kids go back to school in September.

The main regret I had this week was drinking more alcohol than I usually might. The reason being is that we picked strawberries last week and so all this week we've been indulging in strawberry daiquiris! So yummy and the only time of year we do this! I can't keep up with the demand of running at that rate!

I'm so excited my Mom will be staying with us the next 2 weeks so I have no excuses for not meeting my goals! 

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