So here it is, the excuse why I missed last week..I knew it was going to be a bad week and was embarrassed to post it for all of the world to see. However, this week was probably just as bad if not worse, but the fear of being kicked out of this blog makes me want to figure this all out and stick with it even though I feel like I am failing every day. Most of the time I feel like Paula Abdul when I take two steps forward just to take three steps back. Life always gets in the way and I need some motivation or some sort of advice how you, out there in the blogging world, do not let life knock you down and off track. What are some ideas that I can use to help me to get off the couch? I am so exhausted when I get home from work, that I can't wait to plop down and watch what is on my DVR. I can't even imagine those of you brave mothers out there being a mom and still finding time for yourself to keep you on the right track. I saw a picture of myself from this weekend and I can notice the weight slowly creeping back on. I can see it in the mirror and I am so disappointed in myself.
This week I really want to focus on getting activity and not focus so much on the numbers. The numbers stress me out. I am going to try to get activity but not worry about the time. For example, I have always had success going for a walk and just walking until I wanted to stop. Sometimes I would walk for two hours before I realized what time it was. I am hoping to get back into that groove this week because something's gotta give here. I need to figure out I feel like a broken record, but I am hoping that it will stick this week.
Be Well!
Can you try working out before work? I know that I could NEVER find the motivation to work out in the evenings. We're all different, but if you find a time that works for you, it will eventually fall into place. It might not ever be EASY, but it will get easier, promise.